We are a generous people
Generosity is our privilege because Jesus was first generous to us. We give and receive with joy as we follow Jesus’ example of generosity toward all.
Financial support is one of a few ways that we can be part of making measurable change in our community and across our world. Consider sharing in this joy by giving financially to ECC.
Giving is an act of worship and an act of commitment; to the community of believers, and those in need.
We are extremely grateful for your commitment and generosity.
Other ways to give.
Donate using Interac e-Transfer by sending the payment to give@ecchurch.ca
Please make checks payable to Entwistle Community Church.
There is a drop box at the entrance of the sanctuary where cash or cheques are accepted. Offering envelopes are available for tax receipt (please be sure to include name, address, and email) Please call ahead to be sure someone is around 780-727-2829
Give on Sunday morning or Drop off anytime
Give via Mail
Entwistle Community Church
Box 87, Entwistle, AB. T0E 0S0